We have received funding for a container shipment for the 50+ boxes of library books which have been sitting in Cleveland for more than two years. Within that time span we have also received donations of library books from the estate of Dr. David Bishop, Dr. Don Saliers (my supervisor at Emory University), and the library at the Florida campus of Asbury Theological Seminary. In comparing the prices of shipping as a partial/shared container and for getting a full 20ft container, there was very little difference in the cost.
While there are quite a number of boxes to load in the container there will still be a good amount of room for other materials for the college.
If any of you and your churches can help with the items below it will help take the college to the next level by meeting many of the needs we can't meet on our own right now. Especially those of you who are not too far from Cleveland and/or have transport means to get there, please prayerfully consider donations of almost anything which would be beneficial to the work of the college. We have a 17-acre campus so of primary importance would be a very good used or new industrial mower or riding lawn tractor; a new push lawn mower would be a help, as well, for smaller spaces (the one we have at the school now is very old and is constantly
needing repairs). Some other options are (again, in very good used or new condition): small sound equipment, computers, welding machine, power tools (table saw, drill, circular saw, Sawzall, etc.), more high quality books for the library and our soon-coming student bookstore, other lawn maintenance/landscaping equipment (especially leaf rakes and gas powered Weed Eater), industrial tool boxes - small or large, digital projectors/screens for classrooms, office supplies, other non-power tools (quality hammers, wrenches, etc.), pressure washer, power spray painter, sports equipment (soccer, volleyball, badminton, basketball goals {the smaller/simpler ones we can put on outside poles} and balls, horseshoes, etc. - I guess don't worry about American football, baseball, and ice hockey ), and board games for the student recreation room. You may be able to think of some other things. If there is a legitimate need/use for it in the current and near-future operations of the college, it would be welcomed - until the space is gone.
needing repairs). Some other options are (again, in very good used or new condition): small sound equipment, computers, welding machine, power tools (table saw, drill, circular saw, Sawzall, etc.), more high quality books for the library and our soon-coming student bookstore, other lawn maintenance/landscaping equipment (especially leaf rakes and gas powered Weed Eater), industrial tool boxes - small or large, digital projectors/screens for classrooms, office supplies, other non-power tools (quality hammers, wrenches, etc.), pressure washer, power spray painter, sports equipment (soccer, volleyball, badminton, basketball goals {the smaller/simpler ones we can put on outside poles} and balls, horseshoes, etc. - I guess don't worry about American football, baseball, and ice hockey ), and board games for the student recreation room. You may be able to think of some other things. If there is a legitimate need/use for it in the current and near-future operations of the college, it would be welcomed - until the space is gone.
Please contact me if you think you may be able to do something to help so that the logistics can be coordinated. I am trying to get the shipment out of Cleveland within a few weeks, definitely by the end of the year, but hopefully sooner - the timing is largely dependent upon the responses we get from this appeal.
See the newest blog post concerning the shipment...